From Nowhere to Now Here is the brainchild of Caroline Henbest, and forms part of her broader Masters research project at Griffith University. It brings collaborative composition into the foreground by exploring how images and text act as raw materials for a series of new chamber works. Workshopping the pieces in an online space necessitated by Melbourne’s two 2020 lockdowns, proved to be an unusually effective method for collaboration.
The premiere performance on April 18th 2021 is built up of 14 separate duo works – two each teaming up Caroline Henbest (viola) with each of the other six performers: Christopher Moore (viola), Zoë Black (violin), Louise King (cello), Stephen Newton (double bass), Eliza Shephard (flute) and Charles MacInnes (bass trombone). The pieces were developed in one-to-one workshops with each performer being invited to select a set of images and words from a virtual treasure chest assembled by Caroline.
The images ranged from the laneways and plants of Caroline’s local Brunswick, to shadows and reflections inside buildings, and objects and streetscapes from travels abroad. From a pool of key words, each performer constructed a short poem to loosely connect their chosen images. Short improvised verbal and musical responses were then expanded upon and eventually woven together into the final pieces.
The cycle is bookended by two improvised ensemble works, and while the musicians recite their short verses, Sydney-based theatre artist Lily Balatincz reacts to and interprets each word with movement. In an immersive merging of images, poetry, improvisation, theatre and movement, From Nowhere to Now Here offers an optimistic glimpse of what is possible during a time of isolation and restricted opportunities to perform.