Introducing The Feldenkrais Method
and Awareness Through Movement® (ATM).

Reflect on what you have been doing today.

How comfortable did you feel when you moved?

How easy was it for you?

Portrait of Feldenkrais Instructor Caroline Henbest with viola

Many people think that moving easily requires effort and expensive gym memberships. Since I have discovered the Feldenkrais Method ® I have realised that it needn’t. If you love the gym, then go for it, but I have found this method to be a life-changing alternative.

I have changed. Feldenkrais has helped me learn to connect with myself, to pay close attention to the way I move and to find easier ways of organising myself.

Nowadays, I have much more awareness of what I do. If I notice that a particular action is uncomfortable, I can work out how to make it easier.

Imagine how this has changed my life? I am much more confident as a person and my viola playing has improved as well.

Here is a paragraph which describes the Feldenkrais Technique. It is taken from an article which appeared in the Strad magazine (June 2023) and it speaks directly to musicians.

“The Feldenkrais method is a learning system that uses movement as its vehicle. Listening to your body and to the music is key. Strategies include expanding self-image and understanding skeletal support. It is essential for string players to find the centre from which the power of movement emanates. Soft, full breath is vital in facilitating the use of the entire self. The method encourages curiosity and exploration rather than following a set of instructions. Students of the method learn to find a way to use themselves that feels comfortable and reflects the sound they wish to produce. Imagining the skeleton rather than focusing on the muscles is a useful starting point. “

– Caroline Henbest, interviewed by Naomi Yandell. The Strad, June 2023

Portrait of Feldenkrais instructor Caroline Henbest with her viola.

I am a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, having completed my training through the Feldenkrais Institute of Australia and my qualification has been ratified by the Australian Feldenkrais Guild (AFG).

I run weekly Awareness Through Movement ® classes at Green Monday Studios in Carlton, Melbourne.

Green Monday Studios

73 Grattan St, Carlton VIC 3053

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